Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner...

Excuse me. This isn't eloquent, and for that I apologize. To MC...go f*ck yourself. The judge saw through your bullshit. Karma's a bitch, and I'm real sorry....but I've never been happier than today. I was granted a permanent, final no-contact VPO for the state's maximum of 5 years. This is the first time in this judge's history to grant a permanent protective order against a defendant who had not (yet) served time for domestic violence. (Because, let's face day, he will. It's not like he's going to STOP.) But for today, good triumphs over evil, and I am over the moon.
And as for should try NOT being such a reprehensible asshole. Try NOT beating up girls half your size. Try being honest about who you really are...with yourself, and with others. At least SEE how it goes. Good luck with your sad existence...I have nothing but pity for you...and far more for any woman who dates you.

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