Friday, March 21, 2014

HR Blues

Have we met? I'm the bitch.

At least, see, I work in a small company, and I AM the entire Human Resources Department. This means I get to do a lot of really cool stuff like interview people and hire them. I get to hand out paychecks and make the case for everyone's raises and bonuses, which I've *almost* always won. Mostly, my job involves a bunch of paperwork, which isn't exactly fun.

Sometimes, I get to really make a when an employee is upset or having personal issues and they let me help. I've taken people to the ER, gotten them squeezed in for Dr appointments, obtained professional advice on their behalf, called in favors, calculated due dates, and let them crash at my house. I actually love them...every single person at that office.

But still, in the grand tradition of HR managers worldwide...I think mostly everyone just sees the bitch.

I get's always me who brings the hammer. I handle the write ups. I do the verbal warnings. I tell you that your day off isn't going to be approved this time. It's hard to see me as anything but the Bearer of Bad News. The one who says no...the one who does the dirty work.

It still surprises me sometimes. I try not to take it personally...but the walls are incredibly thin...there are some undeniably awful things said about me when they think no one is listening. But someone almost always would think I was Satan's right hand man. You would think I loathed them all and enjoyed torturing small children in my spare time.

It's a common problem among HR staffers. I just wish that before someone goes and pops off about what soulless bitches we are, they'd take a second and try to put themselves in our shoes.

There are a few things we'd like you to know:

10. We are not having fun.

9. This is the worst part of our job, hands-down.

8. Even when we overhear or have it reported to us that you called us a soulless bitch, we still love you.

7. We are only the messengers. Sometimes we agree with the message. Sometimes we don't. Either way, our job is to deliver it.

6. All HR people have hidden in the bathroom and cried a time or two after having to do something difficult. 

5. We have to fire people sometimes. Do you have any idea what that's like? Because it sucks. And honestly, we hope you never have to find out how awful it is, because we wouldn't wish it on anyone.

4. We have things going on in our lives that cause us pain, too. Being called names and having people talk shit? Not particularly helpful...

3. This may not be what we set out to do when we started college. (I wanted to teach.)

2. Sometimes--just sometimes--you could try to look at the situation from a perspective other than your own.

1. We are infinitely human.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Happy Ash Wednesday, everyone! I'm doing Lent a little differently this year...rather than give up something that appears superficial (in spite of my suffering),  I'm going to do something in hopes of making a change at a deeper level.

I recently saw a meme that really bothered me. It was on pinterest, and it was meant to be funny and in no way harmful, but it struck a chord. Of course, I can't find it again when I want to, but it essentially implied that the friendship among this group of girls was based on their mutual dislike of "everyone else" and their willingness to discuss it with one another...over wine.

On the surface, I suppose it was amusing...but then it hit me just how sad it would make me to have a relationship BASED on negativity towards something or someone. I mean, isn't that how wars are started? I know we've all done it. Everyone complains to their friends, and it's not always a bad thing. It's probably worse to keep your frustrations to yourself. But if your complaints turn into generalized bitterness towards a person or a've done something wrong. I know I have.

I have an incredibly amazing, supportive, and witty bunch of friends. And for the most part, I have successfully excised most of the glass-half-empty people from my life over the past 2 years, and have surrounded myself with a primarily positive-ish bunch. But we still fall into these patterns where we make judgments or hate on people or certain groups because of their beliefs or a few actions in the course of their entire lives, and we mentally stick them in a box, bitch to our witty friends, and perhaps even come up with a fantastic nickname. Like Knothole.

Some people may deserve to be in that box. Time will tell. Others....I probably put there too quickly. I am going to try to do better. Not only that, but during Lent, I am going to try to find something I like or agree with every single day about one of them....whether it's a person in my life who has been unkind to me or to a loved one...a political party or group whose beliefs I find ridiculous...or an ex-boyfriend.  (MC is exempt from this activity, because nothing about him is good or right.) I won't give names...instead, I'll just try to focus on the positives. (Don't expect me to blog every day. I'm incapable of that. I'll save up and do a few at a time.) We'll see how this goes.

Oh. And no more texting at stoplights. :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Saturday Afternoon Funnies

Do you ever read a news story that you've just kind of stumbled across and you have to look twice to see if it's real? Like maybe you accidentally wandered onto without meaning to?

People can be like that, too. They just turn into cartoons...but at least they're good for a side-splitting laugh now and then! :)